Greetings Gelato lovers and welcome to 2018!
Premarche Gelateria wishes that your tomorrow is more prosperous, happy and successful than yesterday and today! May this new year bring good luck to you all (and endless opportunities to indulge in our delicious gelato!)
With that, did you miss our gelato?
Its 2018 and Premarche Gelateria is open again from 4th of January, ready to serve you with mouth melting rich flavours once again! Your New Year resolution should be to have Premarche Gelateria’s gelato to celebrate the New Year (to be very honest, this is a good resolution for people looking out to make weight loss resolution as our gelato is not fatty and many of our customers are impressed by eating our sweets and still not gaining gelato).
So what are you waiting for?
I interned at Premarche Gelateria from October until December. About two weeks ago, I returned back to my home country. During the internship, my routine and taste revolved around my favourite flavours and now I feel as if someone has pressed reset on my lifestyle! Evidentally enough, three months or so there and I’m successfully a gelato addict)!
私は10月から12月までプレマルシェジェラテリアでインターン生であり、2週間前、帰国しました。 2ヶ月間で、ルーチンはジェラートをランチの後、デザートとして食べることになり、今のライフスタイルを誰かがリセットしたように感じています! ジェラテリアで過ごした時間に、ジェラートの中毒者になったと思います!(笑)
Reminiscing, the activity I miss doing the most is combining two-three flavours that I didn’t know would go well and determine how it really is so that we can recommend them to the customers who come in next time, especially customers who are confused as to which two flavours would go well together out of the 46 world-class flavours that Premarche Gelateria in Kyoto, offers!
So here are some pictures of the ones that I tried during my internship period! Apologies for not all of them because I was too busy to eat away my gelato instead of remembering to take a picture! If you think that these are some of the combinations you’d like to try, then just show our staff these pictures and they’ll serve it to you right away!
I can only hope to be back soon and indulge in more of their flavours!
Follow us for more:
Instagram: premagelato
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TripAdvisor HERE
If you like our Gelato or our Gelateria, don’t forget to write a review for us on TripAdvisor!
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- 自然食屋が、そのノウハウの全てを注ぎ込んだ京都のジェラート店
- イタリアジェラート協会 国際コンテスト3年連続複数部門受賞
- 正統イタリアン・ジェラートでありながら、和素材を生かしている
- 機能素材やスーパーフードを多用し、罪悪感ゼロで楽しめる
- 日本最大級のヴィーガン、ノンミルクジェラートの品揃え
- 安価で味の粗いサトウキビ由来の白砂糖は一切不使用
- 合成乳化剤・合成安定剤、合成食品添加物は一切不使用
- 主に外国人から特別に高い評価を受け、行列になる日もある
- チーフ・ジェラティエーレ(ジェラート職人)は中川信男
- 前代未聞の「ジェラートのすべてが米素材100%」も各種開発
- 「食べたら血流が増加する」という公的試験機関データあり
- 京都でフードバリアを超えるというプロジェクトを立ち上げ
(Beyond “Food barrier”! 参照 ) - 私たちが作るジェラートは「心の薬である」と真剣に希求