機能性ジェラート素材について (1) | Raw ingredients functional in our gelato (1)




Our commitment towards using raw ingredients as a natural food store.

  • 与那国島の良質なサンゴパウダー
  • Good quality Coral Powder from Yonaguni Island (Okinawa)


Except the specified flavour, in order to enjoy an even more delicious and healthier gelato, we make sure to use the best quality coral powder extracted from Yonaguni Island which is located in the westernmost tip of southern Japan. You can taste about 3 micrometer of the fine powder, starting from calcium to about 70 types of ocean minerals that are known to have healthy benefits to the human body.


The effects of good quality minerals are as follows:-

  1. 免疫力アップ
  2. 筋肉の働きをスムーズに
  3. 血液を健康に
  4. 疲労回復
  5. 脳の活性化
  6. 脂肪燃焼・基礎代謝アップ
  7. エネルギー代謝を促進
  8. シミ・そばかすを防ぐ
  9. アンチエイジング


  1. Increase immunity
  2. Smooth muscle action
  3. Healthy blood circulation
  4. Quick recovery from physical exhaustion
  5. Smooth respiration
  6. Fat burning effect or increase in basal metabolism
  7. Speed up energy metabolism
  8. Prevent blotch and freckles
  9. Anti-aging


In those 70 types of ocean minerals, about 16 types of necessary minerals, listed below, are also included.

CALCIUM (Ca)| カルシウム 37.2g
MAGNESIUM (Mg) |マグネシウム 0.639g
SULPHUR (S) |硫黄 0.129g
KALIUM/POTASSIUM (K) |カリウム 4.82mg
SODIUM/NATRIUM (Na) |ナトリウム 12.8mg
PHOSPHORUS (P) |リン 0.185mg
CHLORINE (Cl) |塩素 21mg
IODINE (I) |ヨウ素 1.42mg
COPPER (Cu) |銅 0.228mg
MANGANESE (Mn) |マンガン 0.177mg
ZINC (Zn) |亜鉛 0.086mg
SELENIUM (Se) |セレン 0.036mg
COBALT (Co) |コバルト 0.019mg
CHROMIUM (Cr) |クロム 0.016mg
MOLYBDENUM (Mo) |モリブデン 0.0074mg


In our milk flavours, 100g of gelato contains about 400mg of coral powder out of which 160mg is calcium.


So wouldn’t you want to taste the combination of your favorite flavour containing such healthy minerals, made into one harmonized gelato? If yes, come visit us at the Gelateria!

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