Normally homemade gelatos are sweetened with glanulated sugar from sugar cane just because it has clear taste and of course is cheap.
However, we never use refined sugar cane sugars that has to be imported.
Instead we use “Beet sugar, Brown sugar, Sugar comes from fermented grains, Fruit
sugars etc..”.
The gulanulated sugar can be 10 times cheaper than the sugar we use.
Of course we can make a lot of money if we use them but we’ll never do.
“We’ll never sell or use materials unless it is safe for our children and our people to eat” This is the attitude we have towards our business.
If consuming sugar or other substitutions causes even a slight risk to your health, we think that there must be a merit that goes beyond the risk.
(Since we are making our own gelatos here, it is possible for us to provide variety of flavors even with no-sugar or no-milk)
We also have established a company in Miyakojima in Okinawa where we grow varieties of vegetables and fruits and sugar cane is one of them.
Sugar cane farming uses huge amount of pesticides and chemical fertilizers, and also farmers’ lives are supported by subsides to protect their business from cheap imported sugars.
Sugar cane farms are supposed to be the first one to disappear if TPP takes in place.
However, we’ve been trying very hard to produce pesticides and chemical fertilizers free sugar cane and its distribution in new perspective.
We make gelatos by ourselves because we don’t want to ruin the material, which has so much minerals and rich flavor, by mixing it with other materials at sugar factory.
If you don’t know about the story behind our gelatos, 500yen for one scoop can be seemed a little expensive (especially as we are located in a Shotengai).
However once you found out about the value of each ingredient we use, we are sure that’ll change your mind.
We will try to sell gelato at this price as a place where provides gelato that can heal your heart, can overcome food barriers and most importantly can make people smile like an innocent child 🙂
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- 自然食屋が、そのノウハウの全てを注ぎ込んだ京都のジェラート店
- イタリアジェラート協会 国際コンテスト3年連続複数部門受賞
- 正統イタリアン・ジェラートでありながら、和素材を生かしている
- 機能素材やスーパーフードを多用し、罪悪感ゼロで楽しめる
- 日本最大級のヴィーガン、ノンミルクジェラートの品揃え
- 安価で味の粗いサトウキビ由来の白砂糖は一切不使用
- 合成乳化剤・合成安定剤、合成食品添加物は一切不使用
- 主に外国人から特別に高い評価を受け、行列になる日もある
- チーフ・ジェラティエーレ(ジェラート職人)は中川信男
- 前代未聞の「ジェラートのすべてが米素材100%」も各種開発
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- 京都でフードバリアを超えるというプロジェクトを立ち上げ
(Beyond “Food barrier”! 参照 ) - 私たちが作るジェラートは「心の薬である」と真剣に希求