By the support of the Italian Embassy, Premarche Gelateria held an unique event called the ‘Italian wine and Gelato Mariage’ on 7th November, which is best described as ‘all-you-can-eat-gelato’ and ‘all-you-can-drink-wine’ event. First of all, we’d like to express our gratitude to the Italian Embassy for their support and encouragement of such events.
Along with Ms. Kawasaki’s delicious vegan burgers, there were customers who also tried out all the 42 flavors that the Gelateria can offer! Trying all 42 flavors is definitely a treat and once in a lifetime opportunity for gelato lovers who are unable to select just two flavors! Ms. Kawasaki’s burgers not only looked delicious but also tasted amazing, particularly the one which had her signature guacamole paste on fresh tomatoes!
There were people who were confused whether to eat gelato in Kyoto’s cold weather or not but because we understand this, the Gelateria was equipped with large lantern style heaters in order to create the ambience and warmth of a cozy place, just like home, for our customers to fully enjoy gelato in this cold weather. This atmosphere made our Gelateria seem more like one of the luxurious ice cream parlors in Italy, where everyone met up to enjoy their favorite gelato flavors after a day full of work! And the people who did come, we appreciate your participation in making this the successful event it proved to be. This is the first time for us to hold such an event and our prime motive was to test if wine and gelato matched well if had together or not.
In my opinion, because it was one of first such events, there were many customers who looked forward to it and were curious about vegan gelato which became a great opportunity for us to raise awareness about the Beyond Food Barrier project. Not only did customers know about our project but also were introduced in detail about the wines used in order to make our wine flavors!
楽しみにしたり、ヴェーガンジェラートに好奇心を持ったりしていたお客さんに対して、このイベントはBeyond Food Barrierプロジェクトに関心を広める機会もなりました。
Through this event, we hope many of you got the opportunity and the curiosity to know a bit about vegan gelato, the lovely world of gelato and our Gelateria’s mission! If we were able to feed your curiosity, information about other such events will be updated on our Facebook page so please make sure you’re following us!
Follow us for more:
Instagram: premagelato
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TripAdvisor HERE
If you like our Gelato or our Gelateria, don’t forget to write a review for us on TripAdvisor!
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