Vegan: People who do not eat anything that includes animal meat, be it eggs, dairy products etc. Depending on the situation, other than animal food, they also do not use any animal related products (leather goods etc). The word resembles the often spoken word “vegetarian”, however, a vegan’s diet means, even more, food limitations.
A vegan’s food restrictions are as follows:-
- 肉不使用 (No meat)
- 牛乳不使用 (No dairy products)
- 卵不使用 (No eggs)
- 蜂蜜不使用 (No honey)
- 動物性食材不使用 (No animal product)
Designated task time: 2 hours
From the viewpoint of a vegan, we tried to find a restaurant that caters to vegan customers, experience it and report the problems we faced while searching for such a restaurant and what kind of judgement went into deciding the restaurant that we ended up going to.
Desired qualifications of the desired restaurant,
- ヴィーガンダイエットに従る食事 (A restaurant that caters to vegan customers)
- 食事種類・品質 (Variety of vegan options and its quality)
- 値段 (Price)
- ロケーション (Location)
- レビュー(Happy Cow, Tripadvisor, Facebook etc) (Ratings on various SNS sites)
- ウェブサイトで載せてある情報 :信頼性チェック (Official website of the restaurant to check its authenticity)
1st step: まず、グーグルマップを使い、近くにヴィーガンレストランがあるのかを調べました。調べた結果、京都はまだまだ食事制限の方々を対象にした適当な施策はないと考え、食事制限に対応可能と分かるレストランはを簡単には探せませんでした。
The first step was to use Google maps and check for vegan options nearby us. After wrapping up our research we felt that Kyoto still lacks in devising suitable dining options when it comes to catering vegans, halal eating Muslim, people allergic to various products etc. and hence, we couldn’t find a place that matched our list of desired qualifications.
2nd step: 調べていたときに、ベジタリアン対応をしている様々なレストランを見ましたが、完全にヴィーガンでなかったり、値段も高く過ぎたりしたため、行きませんでした。結局、行くことに決めたのは、京都(下京区中堂寺壬生川町12)に位置しているインド料理屋でした。ハラール認証も受けているそうで、ベジタリアンも対応できているので選びました。会社からは、バスで約20分かかり、徒歩も含めて30分ぐらいにつき、それほど遠くなかったです。第一印象は、ドアにハラール認証のロゴを付けてあることでした。開店は、午前11時00分で、スタッフが英語が喋られる方でしたので、外国人観光客でも安心して来られる場所だと思いました。
The second step, while searching for such a restaurant, we found few restaurants but they were not completely vegan or the price was not student friendly (due to the limited number of such restaurants) and hence, we didn’t decide to go to the places we found initially. Finally, we decided on an Indian restaurant located in the vicinity of Horikawa Gojyo district of Kyoto. It seemed to have been Halal certified and also catered to vegetarians (vegans alike). It took us all in all 30 minutes to reach the restaurant so it was not that far. The first impression we had of the restaurant was the fact that they had a sticker on their door displaying that they’re Halal certified. The restaurant opened at 11:00 am and luckily, the staff could speak English, which displays their interest in attracting foreign customers.
3rd step: メニュー(注文):
The 3rd step was to check the menu and order.
- 豆カレー (690¥)- Dahl curry
- ナン (290¥)- Naan
A vegan is generally viewed as someone who usually survives only on salad and this helped us decide into trying vegan Indian food which is known for its strong flavours. I went there along with my friend who consumes Halal food only and in order to have lunch together at a place that satisfies both our requirements and luckily, this restaurant offered a win-win situation. Although the vegetarian items were limited (the variety was extremely limited in both curry and naan), the restaurant deserves the acknowledgement of trying to cater to both vegan and halal needs. Thinking that something is better than nothing, I ordered whatever that could satisfy my appetite after re-confirming with the staff about the ingredients of the food that I was ordering. Instead of enjoying the food wholeheartedly, I realized that the concerns I had didn’t reflect back to the excitement of trying out a meal because I was thinking about things such as “even though the variety was less, please don’t compromise the flavour now” or “hoping that the dishes I ordered will match my taste” etc.
My thoughts on this experience
- 調べるときの障害について
- レストランの数が少ない
- 近くにあるヴィーガンレストランは大体、インド料理屋
- 完全にヴィーガン料理のあるレストランはほとんどない
- レストランでの障害について
- 食事の多様性
- 食品品質(味など)
- ヴィーガン食事に対して、スタッフの知識
- ハラール認証は本物かどうかの疑問
- Troubles while searching for restaurants
- Less number of restaurants
- Most of the restaurants that could be counted as vegan served Indian cuisine only
- Inability to find a 100% vegan restaurant
- Experience at the decided restaurant
- Less variety in vegan options
- Quality of the food (flavour etc)
- Staff’s knowledge of vegan diet requirements
- Uncertainty about the authenticity of their Halal certification
- 近い場所にある
- 簡単に到達できる
- 適正価格
- 英語のできるスタッフ
- 豚で作られた料理がない
- Limited options but still served some pure vegan dishes
- Nearby location
- Easily reachable
- Reasonable price
- English speaking staff
- No dish made using pork
今日のランチから学んだ教訓は、食事制限で色々な食べ物は限定された結果、もし私も実際にこういった制限があったら、外食より調理した方が良いと思ってしまうことです。ヴィーガンの方々が直面している苦労がわかりました。これからも、ジェラテリアまたはBEYOND FOOD BARRIERプロジェクトでどんな食事制限でも、みんなが一つの場所で食事を楽しめるように挑戦したいと思っております。
The things I learnt from today’s experience is that due to different diet choices many food options become restricted and if I were a real vegan living in Japan, I’d prefer cooking at home with confirmed ingredients rather than going out to eat. Hence, even more than before, I’m driven to work towards creating a place where people of all diet types can enjoy a meal.
Hello everyone! My name is Varsha, which in my mother tongue means ‘rain’. Hence, you can call me ‘Ame’ or ‘Ba-sha’. India`s capital, Delhi, is my hometown and we`re often called the ‘Delhites’. I`m working as an intern at Prema Inc. for three months and am looking foward to serving you delicious gelato at Premarche Gelateria!
Follow us for more:
Instagram: premagelato
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If you like our Gelato or our Gelateria, don’t forget to write a review for us on TripAdvisor!
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- 自然食屋が、そのノウハウの全てを注ぎ込んだ京都のジェラート店
- イタリアジェラート協会 国際コンテスト3年連続複数部門受賞
- 正統イタリアン・ジェラートでありながら、和素材を生かしている
- 機能素材やスーパーフードを多用し、罪悪感ゼロで楽しめる
- 日本最大級のヴィーガン、ノンミルクジェラートの品揃え
- 安価で味の粗いサトウキビ由来の白砂糖は一切不使用
- 合成乳化剤・合成安定剤、合成食品添加物は一切不使用
- 主に外国人から特別に高い評価を受け、行列になる日もある
- チーフ・ジェラティエーレ(ジェラート職人)は中川信男
- 前代未聞の「ジェラートのすべてが米素材100%」も各種開発
- 「食べたら血流が増加する」という公的試験機関データあり
- 京都でフードバリアを超えるというプロジェクトを立ち上げ
(Beyond “Food barrier”! 参照 ) - 私たちが作るジェラートは「心の薬である」と真剣に希求